International Papers
Conference Papers
Books (Chapters, etc.)

1.       Baqiya MA, Munasir, Zainuri M, Arifin Z, Mashuri, Triwikantoro, et al. Nanopowders Produced from Natural Sources Using the Simple Coprecipitation Method. In: Trenor ZBaJ, editor. Advances in Nanotechnology. Vol. 20. New York: Nova Science Publisher; 2017. p. 1-38.

2.       Baqiya MA, Taufiq A, Sunaryono, Ayun K, Zainuri M, Pratapa S, et al. SpinelStructured Nanoparticles for Magnetic and Mechanical Applications2017 2017-03-08.


1.         Baqiya MA, Taufiq A, Sunaryono, Munaji, Sari PS, Dwihapsari Y, et al. Development of PVA/Fe3O4 as Smart Magnetic Hydrogels for Biomedical Applications.  Hydrogels. Rijeka: IntechOpen; 2018. p. Ch.-8.

2.         Pratapa S, Kiswanti EAD, Diana DR, Hariyani Y, Sari LDK, Musyarofah, et al. Synthesis of High-Purity Ceramic Nano-Powders Using Dissolution Method. In: Quesada DE, Villarejo LP, Soto PS, editors. Ceramic Materials - Synthesis, Characterization, Applications and Recycling: IntechOpen; 2018. p. 1-16.

3.         Darminto D, Baqiya MA, Asih R. Pengembangan BAHAN KARBON dari Biomassa (Development of carbon - based materials from biomass). Surabaya: ITS Press; 2018.


1.       Baqiya MA, Asih R, Ghufron M, Mastuki, Retnowati DY, Triwikantoro, et al. Ferrite-Based Nanoparticles Synthesized from Natural Iron Sand as the Fe3+ Ion Source. In: Movahedi B, editor. Nanocrystalline Materials: IntechOpen; 2019. p. 1-22.


[1]     R. Asih, M.A. Baqiya, Y. Cahyono, Darminto, Pure and Functionalized Carbon Based Nanomaterials: Analytical, Biomedical, Civil and Environmental Engineering Applications, CRC Press, 2020.

[2]     F. Astuti, R. Asih, M.A. Baqiya, Darminto, Keunikan Struktur dan Superkonduktivitas Sistem Kuprat : Kristal, Film dan Nanopartikel, ITS Press, Surabaya, Indonesia, 2020, pp. 5-29. URL:


[1]       D. Darminto, M. A. Baqiya, F. Astuti, Sains dan Aplikasi Superkonduktor (Introduction to Superconductor), ITS Press, 2023.