International Papers
Conference Papers
Books (Chapters, etc.)
<= 2016
<= 2016

1.         Smith, D.S., Suasmoro, S., Gault, C.: Demonstration of grain growth induced Microcracking and its role in the electrical response of YBa2Cu3O7 − δ. Journal of the European Ceramic Society 5(2), 81-85 (1989). doi:

2.         Suasmoro, S., Smith, D.S., Lejeune, M.: Influence of the mixing and calcination conditions on the characteristics of YBa2Cu3O(7−δ) powder. Ceramics International 18(2), 91-97 (1992). doi:

3.         Pratapa, S., Low, I.M.: Synthesis and properties of functionally-gradient aluminium titanate mullite-ZTA composites. Journal of Materials Science Letters 15(9), 800-802 (1996).

4.         Pratapa, S., O’Connor, B.H., Low, I.M.: Phase Composition Profile Character of a Functionally-graded Al2TiO5/ZrO2-Al2O3 Composite A2 - Miyamoto, Ichiro ShiotaYoshinari. In:  Functionally Graded Materials 1996. pp. 367-372. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam (1997)

5.         Smith, D.S., Khalfi, A., Ghayoub, N., Cazy, E., Suasmoro, S., Bonnet, J.-P., Abraham, E.: Thermal, self-field, and microstructure effects for critical currents in polycrystalline YBa2Cu3O7−δ. Physica C: Superconductivity 281(1), 76-84 (1997). doi:

6.         Pratapa, S., Low, I.M.: Infiltration-processed, functionally graded aluminium titanate/zirconia–alumina compositePart II Mechanical properties. Journal of Materials Science 33(12), 3047-3053 (1998).

7.         Pratapa, S., Low, I.M., O'connor, B.H.: Infiltration-processed, functionally graded aluminium titanate/zirconia–alumina compositePart I Microstructural characterization and physical properties. Journal of Materials Science 33(12), 3037-3045 (1998). doi:10.1023/a:1004323201601

8.         Pratapa, S., Low, I.M., O’Connor, B.H.: Infiltration-processed, functionally graded aluminium titanate/zirconia-alumina composite. Journal of Materials Science 33, 3037-3045 (1998).

9.         Pratapa, S., O’Connor, B.H., Low, I.M.: Use of Compton scattering measurements for attenuation corrections in Rietveld phase analysis with an external standard. Journal of Powder Diffraction 13(03), 166-170 (1998).

10.       Yamada, K., Lee, C.H., Kurahashi, K., Wada, J., Wakimoto, S., Ueki, S., Kimura, H., Endoh, Y., Hosoya, S., Shirane, G., Birgeneau, R.J., Greven, M., Kastner, M.A., Kim, Y.J.: Doping dependence of the spatially modulated dynamical spin correlations and the superconducting-transition temperature in La2-xSrxCuO4. Physical Review B 57(10), 6165-6172 (1998).

11.       Darminto, D., Tjia, M.O., Menovsky, A.A.: Disentangled vortex liquid phase in BSCCO-2212 single crystal highly overdoped with oxygen. Physica C: Superconductivity 341–348, Part 2, 1323-1324 (2000). doi:

12.       Darminto, D., Tjia, M.O., Motohashi, T., Kobayashi, H., Nakayama, Y., Shimoyama, J., Kishio, K.: Effects of Pb substitution on the vortex state of oxygen-overdoped Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+d single crystal. Physical Review B 62(10), 6649-6655 (2000).

13.       Suasmoro, S., Pratapa, S., Hartanto, D., Setyoko, D., Dani, U.M.: The characterization of mixed titanate Ba1−xSrxTiO3 phase formation from oxalate coprecipitated precursor. Journal of the European Ceramic Society 20(3), 309-314 (2000). doi:

14.       Darminto, D., Tjia, M.O., Nugroho, A.A., Menovsky, A.A., Shimoyama, J., Kishio, K.: Variation of vortex-glass dynamics and critical region with oxygen content in Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+δ single crystal. Physica C: Superconductivity 357–360, Part 1, 617-620 (2001). doi:

15.       Darminto, D., Diantoro, M., Sutjahja, I.M., Nugroho, A.A., Loeksmanto, W., Tjia, M.O.: Different roles of anisotropy and disorder on the vortex matter of Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+δ single crystal. Physica C: Superconductivity 378–381, Part 1, 479-482 (2002). doi:

16.       Darminto, D., Sutjahja, I.M., Nugroho, A.A., Rusydi, A., Menovsky, A.A., Tjia, M.O.: Suppression of 2D fluctuation effect in Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+δ single crystal with excessive-oxygen content. Physica C: Superconductivity 369(1–4), 286-290 (2002). doi:

17.       Pratapa, S., O'Connor, B., Hunter, B.: A comparative study of single-line and Rietveld strain-size evaluation procedures using MgO ceramics. Journal of Applied Crystallography 35(2), 155-162 (2002). doi:doi:10.1107/S0021889801020507

18.       Sutjahja, I.M., Darminto, D., Sutarto, R., Nugroho, A.A., Tjia, M.O., Menovsky, A.A., Franse, J.J.M.: Thermodynamic fluctuations in T-phase SmLa0.8Sr0.2CuO4−δ single crystal. Physica C: Superconductivity 369(1–4), 291-294 (2002). doi:

19.       Sutjahja, I.M., Diantoro, M., Darminto, D., Nugroho, A.A., Tjia, M.O., Menovsky, A.A., Franse, J.J.M.: Fishtail effect and the superconducting phase diagram of La1.6−xNd0.4SrxCuO4 single crystal. Physica C: Superconductivity 378–381, Part 1, 541-545 (2002). doi:

20.       Darminto, D., Diantoro, M., Sutjahja, I.M., Nugroho, A.A., Loeksmanto, W., Tjia, M.O.: Erratum to: “Different roles of anisotropy and disorder on the vortex matter of Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+δ single crystal” [Physica C 378–381 (2002) 479–482]. Physica C: Superconductivity 385(4), 571 (2003). doi:

21.       Darminto, D., Menovsky, A.A., Tjia, M.O.: Modification of vortex liquid structure and dynamics of a Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+d single crystal induced by excessive-oxygen doping. Physical Review B 67(1), 012503 (2003).

22.       Darminto, D., Tjia, M.O.: Non-monotonous temperature dependence of the second peak effect in an excessively-oxygen doped Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+δ single crystal. Physica C: Superconductivity 412–414, Part 1, 472-477 (2004). doi:

23.       Ariando, Darminto, D., Smilde, H.J.H., Leca, V., Blank, D.H.A., Rogalla, H., Hilgenkamp, H.: Phase-Sensitive Order Parameter Symmetry Test Experiments Utilizing Nd2-xCexCuO4-y/Nb Zigzag Junctions. Physical Review Letters 94(16), 167001 (2005).

24.       Susanto, H., Darminto, van Gils, S.A.: Static and dynamic properties of fluxons in a zig-zag Josephson junction. Physics Letters A 361(3), 270-276 (2007). doi:

25.       Suasmoro, S., Hastuti, E., Darminto, D.: Defect analysis of Y3+-doped Ba0.95Sr0.05Ti1−xO3−δ above Curie temperature. Ceramics International 35(1), 315-320 (2009). doi:

26.       Ghufron, M., Baqiya, M.A., Mashuri, Triwikantoro, Darminto: Phase Transition in Fe3O4/Fe2O3 Nanocomposites by Sintering Process. Indonesian Journal of Materials Science 12, 120-124 (2011).

27.       Pratapa, S., Umaroh, K., Weddakarti, E.: Microstructural and decomposition rate studies of periclase-added aluminum titanate–corundum functionally-graded materials. Materials Letters 65(5), 854-856 (2011). doi:

28.       Suasmoro, S., Khalfi, M.F., Khalfi, A., Trolliard, G., Smith, D.S., Bonnet, J.P.: Microstructural and electrical characterization of bulk YBa2Cu3O7−δ ceramics. Ceramics International 38(1), 29-38 (2012). doi:

29.       Taufiq, A., Bahtiar, S., Sunaryono, Hidayat, N., Fuad, A., Diantoro, M., Hidayat, A., Pratapa, S., Darminto: Analysis of Crystal Structure and Dielectric of Zn2+ Ion Doped Nanoparticle Magnetite Based on Iron Sand Synthesized by Coprecipitation Method. Indonesia Journal of Materials Science 12, 153-156 (2012).

30.       Suharta, W.G., Mugirahardjo, H., Pratapa, S., Darminto, D., Suasmoro, S.: X-Ray and High-Resolution Neutron Diffraction Studies on NdxY1−xBa2Cu3O7−δ Superconductors. Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism 26(11), 3209-3214 (2013). doi:10.1007/s10948-013-2177-5

31.       Arifin, Z., Riyanto, A., Lailiyah, Q., Triwikantoro, Pratapa, S., Darminto: Precipitated CaCO3 with Unique Crystalline Morphology Prepared from Limestone. Transactions - Indian Ceramic Society 74(4), 202-207 (2015).

32.       Harsono, H., Wardana, I.N.G., Sonief, A.A., Darminto: Crystallography, Impurities and Magnetic Properties of Mn-Doped ZnO Nanoparticles Prepared by Coprecipitation Method. Journal of Nano Research 35, 67-76 (2015).

33.       Sunaryono, Taufiq, A., Putra, E.G.R., Okazawa, A., Watanabe, I., Kojima, N., Rugmai, S., Soontaranon, S., Zainuri, M., Triwikantoro, Pratapa, S., Darminto: Small-Angle X-Ray Scattering Study on PVA/Fe3O4 Magnetic Hydrogels. Nano 0(0), 1650027 (2015). doi:doi:10.1142/S1793292016500272

34.       Taufiq, A., Sunaryono, Putra, E.G.R., Okazawa, A., Watanabe, I., Kojima, N., Pratapa, S., Darminto: Nanoscale Clustering and Magnetic Properties of MnxFe3−xO4 Particles Prepared from Natural Magnetite. Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism 28(9), 2855-2863 (2015).

35.       Adachi, T., Takahashi, A., Suzuki, K.M., Baqiya, M.A., Konno, T., Takamatsu, T., Kato, M., Watanabe, I., Koda, A., Miyazaki, M., Kadono, R., Koike, Y.: Strong Electron Correlation behind the Superconductivity in Ce-Free and Ce-Underdoped High-Tc T-Cuprates. Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 85(11), 114716 (2016). doi:10.7566/JPSJ.85.114716

36.       Ermawati, F.U., Pratapa, S., Suasmoro, S., Hübert, T., Banach, U.: Preparation and structural study of Mg1−xZnxTiO3 ceramics and their dielectric properties from 1 Hz to 7.7 GHz. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics 27(7), 6637-6645 (2016). doi:10.1007/s10854-016-4610-6

37.       Sunaryono, Taufiq, A., Putra, E.G.R., Okazawa, A., Watanabe, I., Kojima, N., Rugmai, S., Soontaranon, S., Zainuri, M., Triwikantoro, Pratapa, S., Darminto: Small-Angle X-Ray Scattering Study on PVA/Fe3O4 Magnetic Hydrogels. Nano 11(03), 1650027 (2016). doi:doi:10.1142/S1793292016500272


1.         Asih, R., Adam, N., Mohd-Tajudin, S.S., Sari, D.P., Matsuhira, K., Guo, H., Wakeshima, M., Hinatsu, Y., Nakano, T., Nozue, Y., Sulaiman, S., Mohamed-Ibrahim, M.I., Biswas, P.K., Watanabe, I.: Magnetic Moments and Ordered States in Pyrochlore Iridates Nd2Ir2O7 and Sm2Ir2O7 Studied by Muon-Spin Relaxation. Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 86(2), 024705 (2017). doi:10.7566/JPSJ.86.024705

2.         Harsono, H., Wardana, I.N.G., Sonief, A.A.a., Darminto: Paramagnetic Zn(1-x)MnxO (0.00≤x≤0.06) Nanoparticles Prepared by The Coprecipitation Method. TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONIC MATERIALS 18(1), 46-50 (2017). doi:

3.         Nuraini, U., Agustianawati, D., Yahya, E., Cahyono, Y., Kidkhunthod, P., Suasmoro, S.: The influence of local distortion on the electrical properties of the (1-x)(K0.5Na0.5)NbO3-x(Ba0.8C0.2)TiO3 system. Ceramics International 43(4), 3664-3669 (2017). doi:

4.         Pratapa, S., Wahyuni, T., Fauziyah, N.A., Apriliyana, G.A., Mashuri, M., Firdaus, S.: Synthesis and thermomechanical characterization of PEG/cristobalite composites. Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology 31(8), 3653-3656 (2017). doi:10.1007/s12206-017-0703-2

5.         Takagi, R., Sari, D.P., Mohd-Tajudin, S.S., Asih, R., Watanabe, I., Ishibashi, S., Miyagawa, K., Ogura, S., Zhou, B., Kobayashi, A., Kanoda, K.: Antiferromagnetic Mott insulating state in the single-component molecular material Pd(tmdt)2. Physical Review B 96(21), 214432 (2017). doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.96.214432

6.         Taufiq, A., Sunaryono, Hidayat, N., Hidayat, A., Putra, E.G.R., Okazawa, A., Watanabe, I., Kojima, N., Pratapa, S., Darminto: Studies on Nanostructure and Magnetic Behaviors of Mn-Doped Black Iron Oxide Magnetic Fluids Synthesized from Iron Sand. Nano 12(09), 1750110 (2017). doi:10.1142/s1793292017501107

7.         Triwikantoro, Baqiya, M.A., Heriyanto, T., Mashuri, Darminto: Nano-coating of Aluminum Surface Using Fe3O4-based Magnetic Fluids. Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism 30(2), 555-560 (2017). doi:10.1007/s10948-016-3813-7

8.         Yudoyono, G., Pramono, Y.H., Zainuri, M., Darminto, D.: Optical properties of TiO2 nanorod/PMMA bilayered film and the application for anti-reflection. IET Micro & Nano Letters 12(10), 787-792 (2017). doi:10.1049/mnl.2017.0211


1.         Cahyono, Y., Yahya, E., Zainuri, M., Pratapa, S., Darminto: Quantum Confinement in an Intrinsic a-Si:H Thin Film Deposited on Soda Lime Glass Substrate Using PECVD. Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Materials 19(1), 69-73 (2018). doi:10.1007/s42341-018-0002-3

2.         Darminto, Asih, R., Kurniasari, Baqiya, M.A., Mustofa, S., Suasmoro, Kawamata, T., Kato, T., Watanabe, I., Koike, Y.: Enhanced Magnetism by Temperature Induced Defects in Reduced Graphene Oxide Prepared From Coconut Shells. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 54(10), 1-5 (2018). doi:10.1109/TMAG.2018.2864946

3.         Kumar, D., Kuo, C.N., Astuti, F., Shang, T., Lee, M.K., Lue, C.S., Watanabe, I., Barker, J.A.T., Shiroka, T., Chang, L.J.: Nodeless superconductivity in the cage-type superconductor Sc5Ru6Sn18 with preserved time-reversal symmetry. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 30(31), 315803 (2018). doi:10.1088/1361-648x/aacf65

4.         Mashuri, Lestari, W., Triwikantoro, Darminto: Preparation and microwave absorbing properties in the X-band of natural ferrites from iron sands by high energy milling. Materials Research Express 5(1), 014003 (2018).

5.         Miyajima, M., Astuti, F., Kakuto, T., Matsuo, A., Sari, D.P., Asih, R., Okunishi, K., Nakano, T., Nozue, Y., Kindo, K., Watanabe, I., Kambe, T.: Magnetism and High-magnetic Field Magnetization in Alkali Superoxide CsO2. Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 87(6), 063704 (2018). doi:10.7566/JPSJ.87.063704

6.         Nuraini, U., Triyuliana, N.A., Mashuri, M., Kidkhunthod, P., Suasmoro, S.: Local distortion determination of the (1 − x)(K0.5Na0.5)NbO3−x(Ba0.8Sr0.2)TiO3 system and their influence on the electrical properties. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics 29(2), 1139-1145 (2018). doi:10.1007/s10854-017-8016-x

7.         Nurbaiti, U., Darminto, Triwikantoro, Zainuri, M., Pratapa, S.: Synthesis and characterization of silica sand-derived nano-forsterite ceramics. Ceramics International 44(5), 5543-5549 (2018). doi:

8.         Sunaryono, Taufiq, A., Mufti, N., Susanto, H., Putra, E.G.R., Soontaranon, S., Darminto: Contributions of TMAH Surfactant on Hierarchical Structures of PVA/Fe3O4–TMAH Ferrogels by Using SAXS Instrument. Journal of Inorganic and Organometallic Polymers and Materials 28, 2206–2212 (2018). doi:10.1007/s10904-018-0939-z

9.         Taufiq, A., Muyasaroh, A.F., Sunaryono, S., Susanto, H., Hidayat, N., Mufti, N., Suarsini, E., Hidayat, A., Okazawa, A., Ishida, T., Darminto, D.: Preparation of Superparamagnetic Fe₃O₄ Nanoparticles from Iron Sand Mediated by Soft Template and Their Performance as Antibacterial Agent. Journal of Magnetics 23(3), 337-344 (2018).


1.         Arifin, R., Malyadi, M., Munaji, Buntoro, G.A., Darminto: Pressure dependence of the structure of liquid NiTi: a molecular dynamics study. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 31(36), 365401 (2019). doi:10.1088/1361-648x/ab25b4

2.         Arifin, R., Malyadi, M., Munaji, Buntoro, G.A., Nurcahyo, A.M.B., Ridwan, Darminto, Johari, N., Selamat, A.: Glassy NiTi produced with different cooling times: Structural investigation using molecular dynamics simulations. Results in Physics 15, 102545 (2019). doi:

3.         Astuti, F., Miyajima, M., Fukuda, T., Kodani, M., Nakano, T., Kambe, T., Watanabe, I.: Anionogenic Magnetism Combined with Lattice Symmetry in Alkali-metal Superoxide RbO2. Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 88(4), 043701 (2019). doi:10.7566/JPSJ.88.043701

4.         Baqiya, M.A., Adachi, T., Takahashi, A., Konno, T., Ohgi, T., Watanabe, I., Koike, Y.: Muon-spin relaxation study of the spin correlations in the overdoped regime of electron-doped high-Tc cuprate superconductors. Physical Review B 100(6), 064514 (2019). doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.100.064514

5.         Baqiya, M.A., Putra, P.E.D., Triono, B., Irfanita, R., Suasmoro, S., Darminto, D., Kawamata, T., Noji, T., Sato, H., Kato, M., Koike, Y.: Ce-Doping and Reduction Annealing Effects on Magnetic Properties of Pr2-xCexCuO4 Nanoparticles. Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism 32(7), 2165-2174 (2019). doi:10.1007/s10948-018-4941-z

6.         Faisal, H., Fukukara, S., Pratapa, S., Zainuri, M., Triwikantoro, Morizono, Y., Darminto: Diffusion and Phase Formation at Matrix-Filler Interfaces in Al–Mg–Si Composites Prepared by Powder Metallurgy. Physics of Metals and Metallography 120(13), 1392-1397 (2019). doi:10.1134/S0031918X19130076

7.         Fatimatul, M., Laila Khamsatul, M., Triwikantoro, Zaenal, A.: Synthesis and Characterization of Precipitated CaCO3 from Ankerite Prepared by Bubbling Method. KnE Engineering 1(2) (2019). doi:10.18502/keg.v1i2.4435

8.         Fauziyah, N.A., Hilmi, A.R., Fadly, T.A., Asrori, M.Z., Mashuri, M., Pratapa, S.: Dynamic tensile and shear storage moduli of PEG/silica-polymorph composites. Journal of Applied Polymer Science 136(17), 47372 (2019). doi:10.1002/app.47372

9.         Fauziyah, N.A., Hilmi, A.R., Zainuri, M., Asrori, M.Z., Mashuri, M., Jawaid, M., Pratapa, S.: Thermal and dynamic mechanical properties of polyethylene glycol/quartz composites for phase change materials. Journal of Applied Polymer Science 136(42), 48130 (2019). doi:10.1002/app.48130

10.       Hilmi, A.R., Fauziyah, N.A., Apriliyana, G.A., Pratapa, S.: Dynamic mechanical analysis data of PEG/amorphous-silica composites. Data in Brief 23, 103731 (2019). doi:

11.       Hilmi, A.R., Fauziyah, N.A., Pratapa, S.: A temperature-dependent storage modulus model for filler-dispersed PEG/silica composites. Composites Part B: Engineering 173, 106868 (2019). doi:

12.       Husain, H., Hariyanto, B., Sulthonul, M., Klysubun, W., Darminto, D., Pratapa, S.: Structure and magnetic properties of silica-coated magnetite-nanoparticle composites. Materials Research Express 6(8), 086117 (2019). doi:10.1088/2053-1591/ab29af

13.       Munasir, Triwikantoro, Zainuri, M., Bäsler, R., Darminto: Mechanical strength and corrosion rate of aluminium composites (Al/SiO2): Nanoparticle silica (NPS) as reinforcement. Journal of Physical Science 30(1), 81-97 (2019). doi:

14.       Munasir, N., Triwikantoro, T., Zainuri, M., Bäßler, R., Darminto, D.: Corrosion Polarization Behavior of Al-SiO2 Composites in 1M and Related Microstructural Analysis. International Journal of Engineering 32(7), 982-990 (2019). doi:10.5829/ije.2019.32.07a.11

15.       Musyarofah, Lestari, N.D., Nurlaila, R., Muwwaqor, N.F., Triwikantoro, Pratapa, S.: Synthesis of high-purity zircon, zirconia, and silica nanopowders from local zircon sand. Ceramics International 45(6), 6639-6647 (2019). doi:

16.       Musyarofah, Soontaranon, S., Limphirat, W., Triwikantoro, Pratapa, S.: XRD, WAXS, FTIR, and XANES studies of silica-zirconia systems. Ceramics International 45(12), 15660-15670 (2019). doi:

17.       Nismayanti, A., Baidillah, M.R., Huda, M.A., Prihandoko, B., Triwikantoro, T., Endarko, E., Taruno, W.P.: A NOVEL METHOD FOR MEASUREMENT OF ELECTRIC FIELD IN EMULATED HUMAN BODY TISSUE USING WIRE MESH SENSOR. Jurnal Teknologi 81(5) (2019). doi:10.11113/jt.v81.12941

18.       Suasmoro, S., Wati, F.A.R., Muhaimin, N.: Ti–Zr coating on graphite through powder immersion reaction-assisted coating (PIRAC) and its oxidation kinetics at T =1000C. Bulletin of Materials Science 42(3), 126 (2019). doi:10.1007/s12034-019-1819-z

19.       Taufiq, A., Sunaryono, S., Hidayat, N., Putra, E.G.R., Okazawa, A., Watanabe, I., Kojima, N., Pratapa, S., Darminto, D.: Nanostructure and Magnetic Field Ordering in Aqueous Fe3O4 Ferrofluids: A Small-Angle Neutron Scattering Study. Atom Indonesia 45(3), 165-172 (2019). doi:


1.         Baqiya, M.A., Lailiyah, Q., Riyanto, A., Arifin, Z., Triwikantoro, Zainuri, M., Pratapa, S., Darminto: Precipitation Process of CaCO3 from Natural Limestone for Functional Materials. Journal of AOAC INTERNATIONAL 103(2), 373-381 (2020). doi:10.5740/jaoacint.19-0256

2.         Baqiya, M.A., Nugraheni, A.Y., Islamiyah, W., Kurniawan, A.F., Ramli, M.M., Yamaguchi, S., Furukawa, Y., Soontaranon, S., Putra, E.G.R., Cahyono, Y., Risdiana, Darminto: Structural study on graphene-based particles prepared from old coconut shell by acid–assisted mechanical exfoliation. Advanced Powder Technology 31(5), 2072-2078 (2020). doi:

3.         Fitriana, F., Zainuri, M., Baqiya, M.A., Kato, M., Kidkhunthod, P., Suasmoro, S.: Local structure analysis of BO6 (B = Fe, Cu) octahedron correlated with the magnetic properties of Cu-doped Ba0.5Sr0.5FeO3–δ. Bulletin of Materials Science 43(1), 152 (2020). doi:10.1007/s12034-020-02140-4

4.         Husain, H., Sulthonul, M., Hariyanto, B., Taryana, Y., Klyusubun, W., Wannapaiboon, S., Darminto, D., Pratapa, S.: The structural and magnetic characterization of ironstone-derived magnetite ceramic nanopowders. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics 31(15), 12398-12408 (2020). doi:10.1007/s10854-020-03786-w

5.         Munasir, Rohmawati, L., Taufiq, A., Darminto: Amorphous SiO2 Nanoparticles from Natural Sands: Structure and Porosity. CMUJNS 19(3), 563–579 (2020). doi:10.12982/CMUJNS.2020.0037

6.         Munasir, N., Kusumawati, R.P., Kusumawati, D.H., Supardi, Z.A.I., Taufiq, A., Darminto, D.: Characterization of Fe3O4/rGO Composites from Natural Sources: Application for Dyes Color Degradation in Aqueous Solution. International Journal of Engineering 33(1), 18-27 (2020). doi:10.5829/ije.2020.33.01a.03

7.         Purwaningsih, S.Y., Zainuri, M., Triwikantoro, T., Pratapa, S., Darminto, D.: Structural, Optical and Defect State Analyses of ZnO Nanoparticle Films. International Journal of Engineering 33(5), 852-860 (2020). doi:10.5829/ije.2020.33.05b.17

8.         Ristiani, D., Asih, R., Puspitasari, N.S., Baqiya, M.A., Risdiana, Kato, M., Koike, Y., Yamaguchi, S., Furukawa, Y., Darminto: Introduction of Na⁺ in Reduced Graphene Oxide Prepared From Coconut Shells and Its Magnetic Properties. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 56(7), 1-6 (2020). doi:10.1109/TMAG.2020.2994175

9.         Sunaryono, Hidayat, M.F., Kholifah, M.N., Taufiq, A., Aripriharta, Mufti, N., Diantoro, M., Soontaranon, S., Darminto: Study of Nanostructural, Electrical, and Optical Properties of Mn0.6Fe2.4O4–PEG/PVP/PVA Ferrogels for Optoelectronic Applications. Journal of Inorganic and Organometallic Polymers and Materials 30(11), 4278-4288 (2020). doi:10.1007/s10904-020-01630-6


1.         Arifin, R., Astuti, F., Baqiya, M.A., Winardi, Y., Wicaksono, Y.A., Darminto, Selamat, A.: Structural Change of TiAl Alloy under Uniaxial Tension and Compression in the &lt;001&gt; Direction: A Molecular Dynamics Study. Metals 11(11), 1760 (2021).

2.         Fitriana, F., Baity, P.S.N., Zainuri, M., Kidkhunthod, P., Suasmoro, S.: Crystal structure and Cu/Fe K-edge analysis of Ba0.5Sr0.5Fe1-xCuxO3-δ (x = 0–0.2) and the influence on conductivity. Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 154, 110065 (2021). doi:

3.         Fitriana, F., Muniroh, M., Zainuri, M., Kidkhunthod, P., Kato, M., Suasmoro, S.: XRD, XANES, and Electrical Conductivity Analysis of La- and Zr-Doped Ba0.5Sr0.5Fe0.9Cu0.1O3-δ Suitable for IT-SOFC Cathodes. Journal of Electronic Materials 50(10), 5838-5845 (2021). doi:10.1007/s11664-021-09110-4

4.         Hamdani, D., Cahyono, Y., Yudoyono, G., Darminto, D.: Performances analysis of heterojunction solar cells through integration of hydrogenated nanocrystalline silicon bilayer by using numerical study. Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals, 1-20 (2021). doi:10.1080/15421406.2021.1922226

5.         Hastuti, E., Subhan, A., Amonpattaratkit, P., Zainuri, M., Suasmoro, S.: The effects of Fe-doping on MnO2: phase transitions, defect structures and its influence on electrical properties. RSC Advances 11(14), 7808-7823 (2021). doi:10.1039/D0RA10376D

6.         Hilmi, A.R., Muwwaqor, N.F., Fauziyah, N.A., Pratapa, S.: Zirconia-dispersed polyethylene glycol composites with a low temperature-degradation rate. Journal of Applied Polymer Science 138(19), 50384 (2021). doi:

7.         Intifadhah, S.H., Maghfirohtuzzoimah, V.L., Az-zahra, P., Klysubun, W., Astuti, F., Zainuri, M., Darminto, D.: Oxidation state analysis of LiFeSixP1-xO4/C (x = 0.06) with X-ray absorption near edge structure (XANES) in Fe K-edge and Si K-edge. Journal of Physics: Theories and Applications 5(1), 7 (2021). doi:10.20961/jphystheor-appl.v5i1.51855

8.         Kurniawan, A.F., Anwar, M.S., Nadiyyah, K., Mashuri, M., Triwikantoro, T., Darminto, D.: Thickness optimization of a double-layered microwave absorber combining magnetic and dielectric particles. Materials Research Express 8(6), 065001 (2021). doi:10.1088/2053-1591/ac04ea

9.         Latif, C., Muyasaroh, A.F., Firdausi, A., Mardiana, D., Klysubun, W., Saiyasombat, C., Prihandoko, B., Zainuri, M., Pratapa, S.: Preparation and characterisation of LiFePO4 ceramic powders via dissolution method. Ceramics International 47(22), 31877-31885 (2021). doi:

10.       Lin, C., Adachi, T., Horio, M., Ohgi, T., Baqiya, M.A., Kawamata, T., Sato, H., Sumura, T., Koshiishi, K., Nakata, S., Shibata, G., Hagiwara, K., Suzuki, M., Ono, K., Horiba, K., Kumigashira, H., Ideta, S., Tanaka, K., Koike, Y., Fujimori, A.: Extended superconducting dome revealed by angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy of electron-doped cuprates prepared by the protect annealing method. Physical Review Research 3(1), 013180 (2021). doi:10.1103/PhysRevResearch.3.013180

11.       Maghfirohtuzzoimah, V.L., Intifadhah, S.H., Az-zahra, P., Klysubun, W., Sari, D.P., Watanabe, I., Zainuri, M., Astuti, F.: Local Structure and Magnetism of LiFeSi0.01P0.99O4/C as a Cathode Material on Lithium-Ion Battery. Journal of Magnetism and Its Applications 1(1), 1-4 (2021).

12.       Manik, T.N., Nuki, S.A., Fauziyah, N.A., Mashuri, Zainuri, M., Darminto: Structure, Dynamic-Mechanical and Acoustic Properties of Oil Palm Trunk Modified by Melamine Formaldehyde. Journal of Renewable Materials 9(9), 1647–1660 (2021). doi:10.32604/jrm.2021.016089

13.       Miyajima, M., Astuti, F., Fukuda, T., Kodani, M., Iida, S., Asai, S., Matsuo, A., Masuda, T., Kindo, K., Hasegawa, T., Kobayashi, T.C., Nakano, T., Watanabe, I., Kambe, T.: Spin-gap formation due to spin-Peierls instability in p-orbital-ordered NaO2. Physical Review B 104(14), L140402 (2021). doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.104.L140402

14.       Nuraini, U., Fitriana, F., Kidkhunthod, P., Baqiya, M.A., Suasmoro, S.: The elucidation of the alteration properties of BiFeO3 doped (K0.5Na0.5)NbO3 through local structure investigation. Physica B: Condensed Matter 614, 413012 (2021). doi:

15.       Prayogi, S., Cahyono, Y., Iqballudin, I., Stchakovsky, M., Darminto, D.: The effect of adding an active layer to the structure of a-Si: H solar cells on the efficiency using RF-PECVD. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics 32(6), 7609-7618 (2021). doi:10.1007/s10854-021-05477-6

16.       Priyanto, B., Asih, R., Ardiani, I.S., Laila, A.Z., Nadiyyah, K., Romadhon, B., Tunmee, S., Nakajima, H., Triwikantoro, Cahyono, Y., Darminto: Hydrogenated Amorphous Carbon Films from Palmyra Sugar. Journal of Renewable Materials 9(6), 1087–1098 (2021). doi:10.32604/jrm.2021.014466

17.       Suarso, E., Setyawan, F.A., Subhan, A., Ramli, M.M., Ismail, N.S., Zainuri, M., Arifin, Z., Darminto: Enhancement of LiFePO4 (LFP) electrochemical performance through the insertion of coconut shell-derived rGO-like carbon as cathode of Li-ion battery. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics (2021). doi:10.1007/s10854-021-07206-5

18.       Yanti, A.N., Baidillah, M.R., Triwikantoro, T., Endarko, E., Taruno, W.P.: WIRE-MESH CAPACITANCE TOMOGRAPHY FOR TREATMENT PLANNING SYSTEM OF ELECTRO-CAPACITIVE CANCER THERAPY. Jurnal Teknologi 83(6), 109-115 (2021). doi:10.11113/jurnalteknologi.v83.14362


1.         Amrillah, T., Duong, M.N., Chen, Y.-X., Bitla, Y., Baqiya, M.A., Indah Sari, F.N., Thi Quynh, L., Hermawan, A., Simanjuntak, F.M., Chen, C.-H., Wu, K.-H., Juang, J.-Y.: Effects of Surface Polarity on the Structure and Magnetic Properties of Epitaxial h-YMnO3 Thin Films Grown on MgO Substrates. ACS Applied Electronic Materials 4(4), 1603-1610 (2022). doi:10.1021/acsaelm.1c01284

2.         Arifin, R., Winardi, Y., Wicaksono, Y.A., Poriwikawa, L., Darminto, Selamat, A., Putra, W.T., Malyadi, M.: Atomic diffusion at the Ni–Ti liquid interface using molecular dynamics simulations. Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly, 1-7 (2022). doi:10.1080/00084433.2022.2039869

3.         Asih, R., Daratika, D.A., Astuti, F., Baqiya, M.A., Watanabe, I., Saiyasombat, C., Kato, M., Koike, Y., Rusydi, A., Darminto: Enhanced ferromagnetism in Cu-Substituted ZnO nanoparticles. Materials Chemistry and Physics 278, 125606 (2022). doi:

4.         Fauziyah, N.A., Nurmalasari, M.D., Hilmi, A.R., Triwikantoro, T., Baqiya, M.A., Zainuri, M., Pratapa, S.: Filler-size-dependent dynamic mechanical properties of polyethylene glycol/zircon composites. Journal of Applied Polymer Science 139(5), 51565 (2022). doi:

5.         Hamdani, D., Prayogi, S., Cahyono, Y., Yudoyono, G., Darminto: The Effects of Dopant Concentration on the Performances of the a-SiOx:H(p)/a-Si:H(i1)/a-Si:H(i2)/µc-Si:H(n) Heterojunction Solar Cell. International Journal of Renewable Energy Development 11(1), 173-181 (2022). doi:

6.         Hastuti, E., Subhan, A., Amonpattaratkit, P., Zainuri, M., Triwikantoro, T., Suasmoro, S.: Oxidation state, local structure distortion, and defect structure analysis of Cu doped α-MnO2 correlated to conductivity and dielectric properties. Heliyon 8(11), e11459 (2022). doi:

7.         Hendrik, H., Nur Farhanudin, M., Darsono, N., Herbirowo, S., Darminto, D., Pramono, A.W., Imaduddin, A.: Synthesis and characterization of MgB2 superconductors with carbon nanotubes (CNTs) and tin (Sn) addition. EUREKA: Physics and Engineering(3), 91-100 (2022). doi:10.21303/2461-4262.2022.002419

8.         Hilmi, A.R., Purnamasari, N.D., Wulandari, W., Sari, A.I., Fauziyah, N.A., Asrori, M.Z., Pratapa, S.: Thermomechanical and optical characteristics of nanoquartz- and nanozircon-filled poly(methyl methacrylate) composites. Journal of Applied Polymer Science 139(38), e52923 (2022). doi:

9.         Husain, H., Dewi, R., Adi, W.A., Taryana, Y., Pratapa, S.: Structural analysis and magnetic-microwave absorption properties of natural mineral-derived silica-coated magnetite nanocomposites. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 556, 169458 (2022). doi:

10.       Ishak, S., Johari, S., Ramli, M.M., Darminto, D.: Formaldehyde gas sensing using metal oxide semiconductor: a brief review. Sensor Review 42(5), 554-567 (2022). doi:10.1108/SR-04-2021-0136

11.       Karim, N.A., Ramli, M.M., Ghazali, C.M.R., Abdullah, M.M.A., Darminto, D., Jeż, B., Nabiałek, M.: Graphene Oxide Production Via Exfoliation Process of Low-Temperature Synthetic Graphite from Oil Palm Trunk Waste. Acta Physica Polonica A 142(1), 81-83 (2022). doi:10.12693/aphyspola.142.81

12.       Khambali, I., Priyanto, B., Asih, R., Baqiya, M.-A., Ramli, M.-M., Osman, N.-H., Tunmee, S., Nakajima, H., Triwikantoro, Zainuri, M., Darminto: N-Doped rGO-Like Carbon Prepared from Coconut Shell: Structure and Specific Capacitance. Journal of Renewable Materials, 1-11 (2022).

13.       Kurniawan, A.F., Anwar, M.S., Nadiyyah, K., Taryana, Y., Ramli, M.M., Mashuri, M., Triwikantoro, T., Darminto, D.: Preparation and Thickness Optimization of Graphenic-Based Carbon Material as a Microwave Absorber. Trends in Sciences 19(1), 1714 (2022). doi:10.48048/tis.2022.1714

14.       Latief, F., Absa, M., Andansari, M., Baqiya, M.A., Kidkhunthod, P., Suasmoro, S.: Structure and local structure investigation of (0.85-x)BaTiO3-0.15BiFeO3-xKVO3 system linked to electrical properties. Materials Chemistry and Physics 276, 125414 (2022). doi:

15.       Latief, F., Absa, M., Andansari, M., Baqiya, M.A., Suasmoro, S.: Synthesis of nano-size BaTiO3–BiFeO3 system with low melting temperature KVO3 addition. Ferroelectrics 599(1), 237-248 (2022). doi:10.1080/00150193.2022.2113655

16.       Latif, C., Firdausi, A., Nihlatunnur, N., Saiyasombat, C., Klysubun, W., Subhan, A., Zainuri, M., Pratapa, S.: Synchrotron crystal and local structures, microstructure, and electrical characterization of Cu-doped LiFePO4/C via dissolution method with ironstone as Fe source. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics 33(22), 17722-17732 (2022). doi:10.1007/s10854-022-08635-6

17.       Munawaroh, F., Muharrami, L.K., Triwikantoro, T., Arifin, Z.: The Simple Method of Synthesizing Calcite and Aragonite from Indonesian Limestone. Iranian Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering (IJCCE) 41(1), 71-78 (2022). doi:10.30492/ijcce.2022.103588.3475

18.       Murti, C.F.K., Maslakah, U., Endarko, E., Triwikantoro, T.: Structural, physical and mechanical properties of zirconia-polymorph/alumina composites. Materials Chemistry and Physics 285, 126102 (2022). doi:

19.       Prayogi, S., Asih, R., Priyanto, B., Baqiya, M.A., Naradipa, M.A., Cahyono, Y., Darminto, Rusydi, A.: Observation of resonant exciton and correlated plasmon yielding correlated plexciton in amorphous silicon with various hydrogen content. Scientific Reports 12(1) (2022). doi:10.1038/s41598-022-24713-5

20.       Prayogi, S., Cahyono, Y., Darminto, D.: Electronic structure analysis of a-Si: H  p-i1-i2-n solar cells  using ellipsometry spectroscopy. Optical and Quantum Electronics 54(11), 732 (2022). doi:10.1007/s11082-022-04044-5

21.       Prayogi, S., Cahyono, Y., Hamdani, D., Darminto: Effect of Active Layer Thickness on the Performance of Amorphous Hydrogenated Silicon Solar Cells. Engineering and Applied Science Research 49(2), 201-208 (2022). doi:10.14456/easr.2022.22

22.       Putra, P.E.D., Irfanita, R., Purwanto, A., Baqiya, M.A., Kamonsuangkasem, K., Saiyasombat, C., Insani, A., Suasmoro, Purwaningsih, S.Y., Darminto: Structural analysis and oxygen defects in the partially oxygen-reduced T-Pr2-xCexCuO4+δ with x = 0 and 0.15 powders at the normal state. Materials Chemistry and Physics 284, 126019 (2022). doi:

23.       Ramadhan, M.R., Astuti, F., Anavisha, J., Al-Hafiiz, I.M., Tiana, W.R., Oktaviana, A.T., Meireni, M., Parwatiningtyas, D.: A revisit to the electronic and elastic properties of B4C: A DFT study. Computational Condensed Matter 32, e00709 (2022). doi:

24.       Rani, S.R.A., Sambayu, A.P., Suasmoro, S.: Low-temperature sintering processes of Mg0.8Zn0.2TiO3 through K0.5Na0.5VO3 and Bi2O3 addition correlated to the dielectric properties. Bulletin of Materials Science 45(1) (2022). doi:10.1007/s12034-021-02605-0

25.       Ristiani, D., Asih, R., Astuti, F., Baqiya, M.A., Kaewhan, C., Tunmee, S., Nakajima, H., Soontaranon, S., Darminto: Mesostructural study on graphenic-based carbon prepared from coconut shells by heat treatment and liquid exfoliation. Heliyon 8(3), e09032 (2022). doi:


1.         Amrillah, T., Hermawan, A., Cristian, Y.B., Oktafiani, A., Dewi, D.M.M., Amalina, I., Darminto, Juang, J.-Y.: Potential of MXenes as a novel material for spintronic devices: a review. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 25(28), 18584-18608 (2023). doi:10.1039/D3CP01261A

2.         Arifin, R., Darminto: CH4 dehydrogenation and H2 formation on a Pt(100) surface: an insight from the reactive molecular dynamics simulations. New Journal of Chemistry 47(24), 11444-11449 (2023). doi:10.1039/D3NJ00693J

3.         Arifin, R., Setiawan, D.R.P., Triawan, D., Putra, A.F.S., Munaji, Winardi, Y., Putra, W.T., Darminto: Structural transformation of Ti-based alloys during tensile and compressive loading: An insight from molecular dynamics simulations. MRS Communications 13(2), 225-232 (2023). doi:10.1557/s43579-023-00333-6

4.         Darminto, Asih, R., Priyanto, B., Baqiya, M.A., Ardiani, I.S., Nadiyah, K., Laila, A.Z., Prayogi, S., Tunmee, S., Nakajima, H., Fauzi, A.D., Naradipa, M.A., Diao, C., Rusydi, A.: Unrevealing tunable resonant excitons and correlated plasmons and their coupling in new amorphous carbon-like for highly efficient photovoltaic devices. Scientific Reports 13(1) (2023). doi:10.1038/s41598-023-31552-5

5.         Hastuti, E., Fitriana, F., Zainuri, M., Suasmoro, S.: Low-temperature synthesis of doped MnO2–carbon dots nanocomposite: an analysis of nanostructure and electrical properties. Materials for Renewable and Sustainable Energy (2023). doi:10.1007/s40243-023-00237-4

6.         Hilmi, A.R., Sari, Y.P., Asrori, M.Z., Zainuri, M., Pratapa, S.: Physical properties of zircon-filled poly(methyl methacrylate) composites following heating around its glass transition temperature. Journal of Applied Polymer Science 140(41), e54536 (2023). doi:

7.         Hilmi, A.R., Sholicha, S.P., Sari, Y.P., Zainuri, M., Pratapa, S.: Optical and physical properties of infrared-exposed-PMMA/zircon composites. Chemical Physics Letters 823, 140514 (2023). doi:

8.         Khambali, I., Priyanto, B., Asih, R., Baqiya, M.-A., Ramli, M.-M., Osman, N.-H., Tunmee, S., Nakajima, H., Triwikantoro, Zainuri, M., Darminto: N-Doped rGO-Like Carbon Prepared from Coconut Shell: Structure and Specific Capacitance. Journal of Renewable Materials 11(4), 1823--1833 (2023).

9.         Mashuri, Usman, A.A., Suyatno: Reduced graphene oxide-ferrite microcomposites based on petung bamboo (dendrocalamus asper) charcoal and iron sand as lightweight microwave absorbing materials. Materials Research Express 10(1), 015601 (2023). doi:10.1088/2053-1591/acb1a3

10.       Munaji, Zainuri, M., Triwikantoro: Structures and electric properties of PANI/polymorphic-ZrO<sub>2</sub> composites. RSC Advances 13(15), 10414-10423 (2023). doi:10.1039/d3ra01088k

11.       Musyarofah, M., Sari, Y.P., Hilmi, A.R., Asrori, M.Z., Triwikantoro, Zainuri, M., Kim, B.-N., Pratapa, S.: Ultra-dense (Bi, V, B)-oxide-added zircon ceramics fabricated by liquid-phase assisted spark plasma sintering (SPS). Materials Research Express 10(5), 055002 (2023). doi:10.1088/2053-1591/acd521

12.       Prayogi, S., Ayunis, A., Cahyono, Y., Darminto, D.: N-type H2-doped amorphous silicon layer for solar-cell application. Materials for Renewable and Sustainable Energy (2023). doi:10.1007/s40243-023-00232-9

13.       Prayogi, S., Kresna, Cahyono, Y., Darminto: Electronic structure of P-type amorphous silicon nanowires. Physica Scripta 98(10), 105954 (2023). doi:10.1088/1402-4896/acf89e

14.       Ramadhan, M.R., Khansa, S.A., Zulindra, Q., Handayani, D.P., Wardani, N.A., Astuti, F.: Electronic Structure Calculation of α-Al2X3 System (X = O, S) Based on R++Scan Functional. East European Journal of Physics(4), 210-215 (2023). doi:10.26565/2312-4334-2023-4-26

15.       Silvia, L., Mughayyirah, Y., Amilia, Sudarsono, Zainuri, M., Darminto: Surface modification of SiO2-based methyltrimethoxysilane (MTMS) using cetyltrimethyl ammonium bromide (CTAB) on the wettability effects through hierarchical structure. Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology (2023). doi:10.1007/s10971-023-06202-x

16.       Sudarsono, Anggoro, D., Faridawati, Ristiani, D., Widianto, E., Santoso, I., Yudoyono, G., Darminto: Optical properties and defect states of rGO-like carbon derived from biomass with heating treatment. Materials Chemistry and Physics 303, 127795 (2023). doi:

17.       Susilawati, Pangga, D., Zainuri, M., Doyan, A., Prayogi, S., Bilad, M.R.: SYNTHESIS AND CHARACTERIZATION OF BARIUM MHEXAFERRITE BaFe12-2xCoxZnxO19 (0 ≤ X ≤ 1) PREPARED FROM CO-PRECIPITATION. RJC 16(02), 845-856 (2023). doi:10.31788/RJC.2023.1626810


1.         Arifin, R., Zulkarnain, Abdurrouf, Winardi, Y., Riyanto, D., Darminto: Enhanced production of hydrogen via catalytic methane decomposition on a Pt7-Ni (110) substrate: a reactive molecular dynamics investigation. Clean Energy 8(2), 168-176 (2024). doi:10.1093/ce/zkae017

2.         Asih, R., Fitriani, Rahmadyanti, D., Nurdiansah, H., Karim, N.A., Sari, D.P., Bahfie, F., Nakajima, H., Noerochim, L., Ramli, M.M., Darminto: Dual Doping of Sulfur and Nitrogen Induces Hierarchical Porous Carbon from Wastes Medical Masks for Supercapacitor Electrodes. International Journal of Nanoelectronics and Materials (IJNeaM) 17(June), 275-280 (2024). doi:10.58915/ijneam.v17iJune.868

3.         Asih, R., Nurdiansah, H., Zainuri, M., Khaerudini, D.S., Setiawan, A.T., Dias, A.Y., Untoro, P., Sholih, A.: Simple and High-Yield Synthesis of a Thinner Layer of Graphenic Carbon from Coconut Shells. Journal of Renewable Materials 12(5), 969-979 (2024). doi:

4.         Astuti, F., Azmi, R.F., Azhar, M.A., Rayanisaputri, F.R.H., Ramadhan, M.R., Baqiya, M.A., Darminto: Employing Na2CO3 and NaCl as sources of sodium in NaFePO4 cathode: A comparative study on structure and electrochemical properties. AIMS Materials Science 11(1), 102-113 (2024). doi:10.3934/matersci.2024006

5.         Charoenphon, S., Widyaiswari, U., Syakuur, M.A., Asih, R., Reunchan, P., Watanabe, I.: Structural, electronic, and magnetic properties of pyrochlore N2Ir2O7 studied by first-principles calculations. Interactions 245(1), 73 (2024). doi:10.1007/s10751-024-01910-4

6.         Farahdina, U., Amrillah, T., Mashuri, M., Lee, V.S., Rubiyanto, A., Nasori, N.: Overview of novel nanobiosensors for electrochemical and optical diagnosis of leukemia: Challenge and opportunity. Journal of Innovative Optical Health Sciences 17(04), 2430003 (2024). doi:10.1142/s1793545824300039

7.         Faridawati, F., Sudarsono, Ristiani, D., Nakajima, H., Yudoyono, G., Darminto: Optical band structure with enhanced plasmonic effect of SiO2/rGO bilayer deposited by spray pyrolysis. Materials Chemistry and Physics 317, 129078 (2024). doi:

8.         Fitriana, F., Latief, F., Klusyubun, W., Cholsuk, C., Kato, M., Baqiya, M.A., Suasmoro, S.: The role of Cu doped Ba0.5Sr0.5Fe0.95Zr0.05O3-δ: Local structure distortion, conductivity, and magnetization. Materials Chemistry and Physics 322, 129544 (2024). doi:

9.         Indrawati, S., Yuwana, L., Zainuri, M.: Abaca Fiber as a Potential Reinforcer for Acoustic Absorption Material at Middle-High Frequencies. Journal of Renewable Materials 12(5), 909-921 (2024). doi:

10.       Latief, F., Baqiya, M.A., Kidkhunthod, P., Fajar, A., Suasmoro, S.: Local structure and defect analysis of KVO3 doped BiFeO3–BaTiO3 ceramics facing conductivity, permittivity, and magnetic properties. Physica B: Condensed Matter 684, 415977 (2024). doi:

11.       Mashuri, M., Suyatno, S., Nasori, N., Aunurohim, A., Sunaryono, S., Ermawati, F.U.: Microwave absorption properties in Ku-band of micro ferrite based on natural ferrite from iron sand prepared by high energy ball milling. Materials Research Express 11(12), 126101 (2024). doi:10.1088/2053-1591/ad97a7

12.       Monica, A.B., Subadra, S.T.U.I., Amrillah, T., Taufiq, A., Sunaryono, Wisodo, H., Mufti, N., Darminto, Abd Aziz, M.S.: ZnFe2O4/SiO2 Nanocomposites Prepared via the Natural Surfactant Morus alba L. as an Excellent Candidate for Drug Delivery Agent. Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering 49(1), 733-752 (2024). doi:10.1007/s13369-023-08489-y

13.       Nehan, P.Z.Z., Vitayaya, O., Munazat, D.R., Manawan, M.T.E., Darminto, D., Kurniawan, B.: The magnetocaloric effect properties for potential applications of magnetic refrigerator technology: a review. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 26(20), 14476-14504 (2024). doi:10.1039/D4CP01077A

14.       Pratama, D.Y., Hariyanto, B., Purwaningsih, S.Y., Hatta, A.M., Pratapa, S.: Structural and optical characterizations of zircon and zirconia nanopowders derived from zircon sands. Physica Scripta 99(8), 085971 (2024). doi:10.1088/1402-4896/ad6246

15.       Prayogi, S., Ristiani, D., D, D.: Unravelling the electrochemical impedance spectroscopy of hydrogenated amorphous silicon cells for photovoltaics. Physica Scripta 99(12), 125946 (2024). doi:10.1088/1402-4896/ad8e0f

16.       Priyanto, B., Khambali, I., Ardiani, I.S., Nadhiyah, K., Laila, A.Z., Hasani, M.C., Romadhon, B., Asih, R., Cahyono, Y., Triwikantoro, Darminto: Nitrogen-Doped Amorphous Carbon Homojunction from Palmyra Sugar as a Renewable Solar Cell. Journal of Renewable Materials 12(1), 57-69 (2024). doi:

17.       Purwaningsih, S.Y., Riyanto, A., Machmudah, S., Sentosa, H.E., Pratapa, S.: Simultaneous Synthesis of Silica Polymorphs and Activated Carbon from Rice Husk. Silicon 16(7), 3063-3072 (2024). doi:10.1007/s12633-024-02881-5

18.       Rohmawati, L., Alfina, F.T., Pratiwi, D.R.P., Pratama, A.A., Muadhif, F.I., Setyarsih, W., Munasir, M., Nerito, P., Darminto, D.: Effect of Bleaching Containing Polydopamine and Chitosan-Modified TiO2 on the Level of Brightness and Microhardness of Teeth. CURRENT APPLIED SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, e0260818-e0260818 (2024). doi:10.55003/cast.2024.260818

19.       Rohmawati, L., Fathoni, S.N., Setyarsih, W., Putri, N.P., Darminto, D.: Irradiation Time Optimization on Photocatalytic Activity of Nanoparticles MgO from Dolomite Bangkalan. Trends in Sciences 21(5), 7442 (2024). doi:10.48048/tis.2024.7442

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1.         Anggoro, D., Sudarsono, Purwandari, E., Baqiya, M.A., Ramli, M.M., Nakajima, H., Yudoyono, G., Darminto: Tailoring conductive polyvinyl alcohol nanofibers: thermal-induced structural evolution in nitrogen for energy storage device. Discover Materials 5(1), 16 (2025). doi:10.1007/s43939-025-00197-8

2.         Arifin, R., Winardi, Y., Zulkarnain, Abdurrouf, Darminto, Johari, N., Selamat, A.: Reactive Molecular Simulations of Catalytic Methane Decomposition on Ni (1 1 0) Surface. Chemical Engineering & Technology 48(1), e202300445 (2025). doi:

3.         Murti, C.F.K., Sudiro, T., Zainuri, M., Endarko, E., Triwikantoro, T.: Effect of interfacial diffusion on structural, physical, and mechanical properties of ZrSiO4/Al2O3 composites. Materials Chemistry and Physics 333, 130413 (2025). doi:

4.         Prayogi, S., Hamdani, D., Darminto, D.: Optimizing carrier transport properties in the intrinsic layer of a-Si single and double junction solar cells through numerical design. Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science 37(1), 9 (2025). doi:10.11591/ijeecs.v37.i1.pp69-77

5.         Purwandari, E., Asih, R., Sudarsono, Anggoro, D., Priyanto, B., Timuda, G.E., Baqiya, M.A., Santoso, I., Nakajima, H., Ramli, M.M., Subekti, A., Darminto: Semiconducting biomass-based amorphous carbon films and their potential application in photovoltaic devices. Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing 187, 109122 (2025). doi:

6.         Rizoputra, I., Wahyudi, S., Sudarsono, Anggoro, D., Puspita, N.F., Risdiana, Darminto: Identification of glucomannan molecules derived from Porang (Amorphophallus muelleri Blume) flour by various purification process and the optical transparency. Carbohydrate Polymer Technologies and Applications 9, 100659 (2025). doi:

7.         Sudarsono, Faridawati, Purwandari, E., Ristiani, D., Widianto, E., Santoso, I., Yudoyono, G., Darminto: Tunable optical response of defective rGO-like carbon films studied by spectroscopic ellipsometry. Optics & Laser Technology 181, 111739 (2025). doi: