Public Community Services Program in 2020 from Department of Physics, ITS Surabaya
Lecturer from the Department of Physics ITS, Linda Silvia M.Si, one of the initiators of the 2020 community service program from ITS Surabaya - Indonesia, together with Prof. Dr. Darminto M.Sc, Prof. Agus Purwanto D.Sc, Dr. Mochamad Zainuri M.Si, and Fahmi Astuti M.Si, Ph.D, designing water filters with a back-wash system. The system was chosen so that the filter can be used to wash its own filter media. This activity is one of the community service activity programs carried out by a team of lecturers from the Advanced Materials Laboratory and the the Department of Physics ITS. The water filter media used consists of gravel, silica sand, zeolite, and activated carbon from coconut shells. The filter is also equipped with a clean water reservoir, pipes and additional filter media. To maintain the quality of filtered water, a set of water quality testers is also included in the water filter package as a result of the collaboration of lecturers and nine students of the the Department of Physics ITS who are taking Real Work Lecture (Kuliah Kerja Nyata (KKN)). The filters are installed in one of the public facilities (mushola) and SMPN 1 Karanggeneng Lamongan. Based on the results of water testing using a water quality tester, it was found that the water filter was able to improve water quality by 25%. The tests used include: Total Dissolved Solid (TDS), pH, salinity, electroconductivity, and temperature. With this activity, it is hoped that the community can make water filters independently by using nearby materials at a fairly affordable price to get adequate water quality. This is because the way to make it is quite easy and the materials are also easy to get so that people can get a supply of clean water that is available at any time.